Health Screening
Humans are designed to live in a state of vitality, yet most people seem to have at least one problem that inwardly affects their well-being. Too often, we seem to accept that these sometimes serious “niggles” are part and parcel of modern life with plenty of over the counter remedies to “soothe” the symptoms.
With the growth of technology and advances in science, most of us are totally reliant on a modern science-only approach when it comes to supporting our well-being, searching for the magic pill yet the solution is often within our control.
How it works?
We start by measuring the current reality of your well-being, conducting a series of 50 tests with medical-grade instruments. These include pin-prick blood tests, saliva and urine tests, assessing the arteries and circulation, plus an ECG to check heart rhythm, the autonomic nervous system, how well we deal with stress, lung capacity, blood pressure and a determination of the body’s composition.
What can be improved?
To function at an optimum level we need insight into the body’s internal processes, and this comes from having a deep understanding of how the body actually functions and restoring balance to all of it’s systems. Our well-being, how we live our lives and how we fuel our bodies is all interconnected.
Most interventions are simple, affordable and easy to implement into our already busy lifestyles. From simple changes to diet, adding natural supplements, moving our bodies more, reducing stress and getting proper sleep, all play a significant part in supporting our bodies to be at their optimum, creating vitality and experiencing life long well-being.
What results can I expect?
The Vitality Screening System analyses the results and provides deep insight into how your body is currently functioning and where you’re heading, presenting you with evidenced-based, personal recommendations to put things right.
Screening appointments take between 45 to 60 minutes. The detailed report is ready immediately. All results, optimal or sub-optimal are clearly displayed. We will talk through the report and the recommendations given.